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FromTechnologiesto MarketSensors forDrones Robots2016 report sampleWHO SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS REPORT?Sensor manufacturers and vendors:Equipment material manufacturers:o Evaluate market potential of future technologieso Understand the ecosystem dynamicsand products for new applicative marketso Understand the differentiated value of your productso Screen potential new suppliers for introducing newand technologies in this marketdisruptive technologieso ldentify new business opportunities and prospectso Monitor and benchmark your competitor'sadvancementsElectronic manufacturer original equipmentmakers:Robotic Companieso Evaluate the benefits of using these new technologieso Spot new technologies and define diversificationin your end systemstrategieso Screen and select new sensor supplierso Position your company in the ecosystemFinancial strategic investors:Technology suppliers:o Understand the potential of technologies ando Understand the strategy of top robotic playersmarketso Get the list of key emerging companies and start-ups2SENSORS FOR DRONES ROBOTS FORECAST SUMMARYSensor sales growthFrom 2015 to 2021 the drones and robots market will grow from $27B to $46B with an expected +9.4%CAGR 2015.2021.Most(64%)of these revenues are generated by industrial robotsFrom 2015 to 2021 sensors for drones and robots will grow from $35IM to $709M with an expected +12.4%Double digitgrowth aheadfor sensors fordrones andRevenue growth of sensors outperforms revenue growth of robots showing growing need for robotic sensingrobotsThere is no specific market driving revenue growth for sensors as revenues are spread across a large variety ofapplications.The first applications in terms of revenue being military drones,and the second is agriculture robots.3
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